We create the GenericEnumUserType class as follows and use it like this in *.hbm.xml
<property name="responseCode" column="RESPONSE_CODE"> <type name="net.mycompany.tps.domain.GenericEnumUserType"> <param name="enumClass">net.mycompany.tps.domain.ExternalResponseCodeEnum</param> </type> </property>Here is the net.mycompany.tps.domain.ExternalResponseCodeEnum NOTE the parseId method has to be a static
public enum ExternalResponseCodeEnum { ercNotSet(-1), ercInvalidCard(101), ercOTBDeclined(200), ercBlockedCard (210), ercBlockedANI(215), ercChargeback(220), ercBlockedRISK(222), ercExceededRiskParameters(230), ercCCWDeclined(271), ercFirstTimeCaller(280), ercSaleDeclined(300), ercOTBApproved(400), ercCCWTimeoutO(401), ercPositiveData(410), ercCCWApproved(421), ercSaleApproved(500), ercCCWTimeoutS(501); private int externalResponseCode; public static final Map lookupExternalResponseCodeEnum = new HashMap(); static { //Create reverse lookup hash map for(ExternalResponseCodeEnum d : ExternalResponseCodeEnum.values()) lookupExternalResponseCodeEnum.put(d.getId(), d); } //constructor private ExternalResponseCodeEnum(int code) { this.externalResponseCode = code; } public int getId() { return externalResponseCode; } public static int parseId(int id) { return "set up the reverse lookup of enum based on id" } }
import java.io.Serializable; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Properties; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor; import org.hibernate.type.AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType; import org.hibernate.type.TypeResolver; import org.hibernate.usertype.ParameterizedType; import org.hibernate.usertype.UserType; public class GenericEnumUserType implements UserType, ParameterizedType { private Class enumClass; private Class identifierType; private Method identifierMethod; private Method valueOfMethod; private static final String defaultIdentifierMethodName = "getId"; private static final String defaultValueOfMethodName = "parseId"; private AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType type; private int[] sqlTypes; @Override public void setParameterValues(Properties parameters) { String enumClassName = parameters.getProperty("enumClass"); try { enumClass = Class.forName(enumClassName).asSubclass(Enum.class); } catch (ClassNotFoundException exception) { throw new HibernateException("Enum class not found", exception); } String identifierMethodName = parameters.getProperty("identifierMethod", defaultIdentifierMethodName); try { identifierMethod = enumClass.getMethod(identifierMethodName, new Class[0]); identifierType = identifierMethod.getReturnType(); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new HibernateException("Failed to optain identifier method", exception); } TypeResolver tr = new TypeResolver(); type = (AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType) tr.basic(identifierType .getName()); if (type == null) { throw new HibernateException("Unsupported identifier type " + identifierType.getName()); } sqlTypes = new int[] {type.sqlType()}; String valueOfMethodName = parameters.getProperty("valueOfMethod", defaultValueOfMethodName); try { valueOfMethod = enumClass.getMethod(valueOfMethodName, new Class[] {identifierType}); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new HibernateException("Failed to optain valueOf method", exception); } } @Override public Class returnedClass() { return enumClass; } public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet rs, String[] names, Object owner) throws HibernateException, SQLException { Object identifier = type.get(rs, names[0], null); if (identifier == null) { return null; } if (valueOfMethod == null) { } try { return valueOfMethod.invoke(enumClass, new Object[] {identifier}); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new HibernateException( "Exception while invoking valueOfMethod of enumeration class: ", exception); } } public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index) throws HibernateException, SQLException { try { Object identifier = value != null ? identifierMethod.invoke(value, new Object[0]) : null; st.setObject(index, identifier); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new HibernateException( "Exception while invoking identifierMethod of enumeration class: ", exception); } } @Override public int[] sqlTypes() { return sqlTypes; } @Override public Object assemble(Serializable cached, Object owner) throws HibernateException { return cached; } @Override public Object deepCopy(Object value) throws HibernateException { return value; } @Override public Serializable disassemble(Object value) throws HibernateException { return (Serializable) value; } @Override public boolean equals(Object x, Object y) throws HibernateException { return x == y; } @Override public int hashCode(Object x) throws HibernateException { return x.hashCode(); } public boolean isMutable() { return false; } public Object replace(Object original, Object target, Object owner) throws HibernateException { return original; } @Override public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet arg0, String[] arg1, SessionImplementor arg2, Object arg3) throws HibernateException, SQLException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement arg0, Object arg1, int arg2, SessionImplementor arg3) throws HibernateException, SQLException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub nullSafeSet(arg0, arg1, arg2); } }
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